LA Culture

Finally, More 200 Dollar Jeans from Los Angeles

Los Angeles-based model-turned-designer Paige Adams-Gellar (phew! hyphen overload!) has stepped up to address a desperate need in the marketplace for another brand of $200 jeans.

A failed actress and USC alum, Paige is a jeans model, and apparently, the jeans model for the industry–her figure was used by many designers as the basis for the cuts that normal-bodied females are torturing their bodies to stuff themselves into. Then she had the revelation that she could also make lots of cash in the high margin jeanswear game. Her new line follows in the large footsteps of the Vernon-based (Vernon!) 7 Jeans, pioneers of the overpriced, overhyped local jeans market.

Paige Premium Denim looks to exploit the high-end pants market with a distinctly local twist–varieties of her jeans come with cute names like “Little Santa Monica Crop,” “Mulholland Drive Twill Trouser” and “Laurel Canyon 5 Pocket” (the favorite style of that sitcom actress whose movie star husband left her for that movie actress). Here is an insanely detailed analysis of the differences of the cuts and fabrics. Sporting these at the Beverly Coffee Bean is sure to help land you an extra role in a mansion party scene on Entourage.

Art Entertainment Events

LACMA Looks to Open Strong This Weekend With “Tut”

Steve TutLACMA joins the summer blockbuster fray with it’s monster King Tut exhibit which opens today, following last night’s opening gala. Photos from the event are here. Who knew Drew Barrymore was into Tut?

Sure, you could go see that little Margaret Killagan thing at REDCAT, but we know you like your art to come BIG.

This Stateside tour of artifacts related to the ancient Egyptian deity Tutankhamun (or simply, “Tut,” as he was known to friends) is being promoted as a “farewell tour.” (Alas, the Rolling Stones have made no such a promise.)

However, after you pay $30 for your ticket (adult weekend price), you might be slightly pissed off to learn that the most identifiable image of King Tut–the gilded burial mask–the very one displayed prominently on all the ads for the exhibit–is not included as part of the show. You’ll be all like, what’s up with that? How can I gets my Tut on proper without the burial mask?! Damn.

Redemption for this egregious exclusion, though, will come from the LACMA gift shop. Losanjealous has learned exclusively that there will be various King Tut-related items that one can purchase upon exiting the exhibit, to remind one that, yes, they did in fact see the King Tut exhibit at LACMA in 2005.

How many times is the following scene sure to play out on the streets of Los Angeles this coming summer:

“I say old chap, I see you’ve got yourself a King Tut t-shirt. Did you perchance happen to see the exhibit at LACMA? Is that 100% cotton? And if so, is it pre-shrunk?”

“Why, yes, as a matter of fact I did take in the exhibit. Hence my donning this t-shirt featuring King Tut’s image, to notify others, such as yourself, that, yes, in fact, I have seen the exhibit.”

“Brilliant! Your t-shirt has convinced me that I must see the exhibit as well. I do hope they have size XXL, as I am a stout lad, as you can no doubt see.”


Stallone: Does His Pudding Make You Beefier?

Beefy via Pudding?Ladies and gentlemen – as soon as we’ve amassed $36.90 total (on sale from a dodgy-looking discount site), our little experiment begins. I will order a case of Stallone Pudding and subside on nothing but the pudding until it is gone. Not so much as a single green bean shall I eat until the pudding is gone. I am hoping to make the pudding last at least two weeks, and it is no exaggeration to say that I may very well die from lack of nutrition. The various risks will be determined by the doctors I discuss this experiment with prior to the beginning of the experiment.

The bottom line is that I will live the daily life of a Stallone inasmuch as I can. If that has to include sparring matches with Frank Stallone, so be it. Through pudding I will Stallone Size myself. Along with a team of doctors I will be measuring pudding effectiveness, pudding-to-body fat ratio, general stallone-appearance-generatingness, Italian Stallionness and tastiness. I will ultimately determine if, after one case of pudding (and nothing else), I look like Stallone in either face or body.

Is the proof indeed in the pudding? Click the button here to donate securely via paypal – visa or mastercard. Rest assured your payment is secure and the pudding will be eaten.

What are you waiting for… Stallone Size Me.