Events Music

Clap Your Hands Say No-Show

UPDATE: CYHSY management replied, saying UCLA dropped the ball:

blame ucla…we showed up ready to play and they had neglected to get the instruments the band needed to play….the band came early and was psyched to play, not our fault!

Drummer Sean Greenhalgh also sent his condolences

So sorry about today. There was some misscomunication with UCLA about gear. We definitely wanted to rock, but had no equipment on which to do so. We are definitely going to try and make it up in the spring on our way back through. I hope it wasn’t too much of an inconvenience.

As did singer Alec Ounsworth

we showed up to find that there was no backline (amplifiers, drums, etc.) which we were to have been provided so there was no way we could have done the show…hopefully we can come back to do a show there soon.

Photos and review from today’s free Clap Your Hands Say Yeah show at UCLA’s Westwood Plaza:

1145am: Meet Victor on campus. Holy Hotties Galore! Future Miss Octobers at all angles. Damn I miss being on campus. And damn I feel like a lecherous old man suddenly

1147am: I spy soundboard and monitors but no sign of instruments or mics on makeshift stage

1150am-1209pm: In-between class foot traffic rush hour ensues

1210pm: In-between class traffic dwindles to a disinterested trickle

1215pm: White cargo truck lumbers up to the stage. Driver stops to talk to the crew for a bit and then abruptly pulls an about-face, peels out and splits the scene

pack it up pack it up

1219pm: Word on the street: They’d forgotten the drum kit. Show is suddenly and unceremoniously yanked, leaving upwards of two dozen students dismayed

1221pm: Victor is accosted by Daily Bruin reporter, presumably for quote material regarding disappointment over no-show. Keep eyes peeled for pull quotes

1225pm: Make for Westwood Village’s Shack Row. Enjoy delicious, cheap-as-all-hell lunch. Horoscopes provided by LA X…Press

shack row eat it up
1pm: Check out the ongoing construction of Jean Prouve’s Tropical House inside the Hammer Atrium. Cool stuff

120pm: Buy sweet pair of kicks at Urban Outfitters. $29

prouve’s tropical house, Hammer atrium

Parting note to CYHSY management UCLA Campus Events: You’ll receive my faxed invoice for $8 on-campus parking in a few minutes. Thank you in advance for taking care of it.



Suburbank: Tales of Hooters — They’re Making It Even Easier

hootersThey are making it even easier to pick up on the waitresses at the Burbank Hooters with a script and a DVD under my arm. I choose to be, in most instances, shielded from deadly kitsch by hiding my face from anyone who might see me cross the threshold in that tacky yet unrefined ovarian Bastille. But when the manager wants to shut down the hockey game to run the trailer for my movie — and he doesn’t even know who I am — well, who am I not to swing my script through the boob factory and see what impacts.

They come like hummingbirds to sign the napkin, as a kind of appetizer. If a Hooters girl does not sign the napkin to make you feel welcome, they are so terribly fired that it’s upsetting for me to type. But if they see us “reading lines” they all come at once. I’m chit-chatting loudly with the manager. I want to run the trailer but I can’t run the trailer because it’s a psycho thriller about a black security guard who kills white men to win the heart of the woman he loves. (The trailer sucks, but my bluff is so good that I won’t have to screen it. I have given the manager — and the birds in earshot — the idea that it could have been screened were it not for stuffy customers. For all they know, it’s a ripped copy of SHORT CIRCUIT II: BACK IN HOT WATER.) But…since it can’t be shown, a surrogate mixture of trivia and BS will stimulate the grapevine. Shot entirely on location in Kathy Ireland’s former office. A perfect B movie with a digital L+F with a distributor.

I got 90% of my talent off craigslist. This is easier.

They squeeze into the booth, two and three at a time, beside us and in front of us. Describe some of them? Okay. Thin and young with nice racks, big eyes, big dreams and single, a tumbleweed blowing across the cranial steppes. Now multiply this by twenty-five, allowing for genetic variance within the Burbank population pool. That is what they look like. We read the scene where our main character inappropriately gooses his love interest on the first date. I picked this scene personally just to see if we could get away with it. Normally, a six hundred pound gorilla makes quick work of this behavior, but my sly dog produces his SAG card, which, in this reality, is a periapt of proof against lawsuit. Forsooth, derrieres scrounge into our orange casting couch in the midst of grumpy men eating taco salad and wishing they were younger and/or us. And although these beauties stammer over the main points, I direct them to give the part more feeling and imagine they are really getting their ass pinched by a good-looking serial killer. Sometimes it’s the way you let yourself be pinched that makes a difference on film. And… scene. I take a one mega pixel image with my wafer-thin RAZR of the hot nineteen year old who runs her hand up my thigh when she drops off the onion rings. (Say what you will about Motorola, the phone is worth its weight in nookie.) Numbers come in many shapes, sizes, and varieties, but why bother with the napkin when I can program them next to their pictures. Look upon my works ye mighty and despair!

We stay an extra twenty minutes. And why not! I have kept my hands to myself, and my friend, who hasn’t, will be a fine acting coach to the ones still young in their parts. Because this is Hooters of Burbank! Where hotties remember our names, and follow us out of the restaurant and chase us to the car. This is the naked suburb of the big film town. This is how easy it is to get a Hooter’s girl when you are even 1% industry.

Now go back and read this article again.

Photo Op

Photo Op: Windows of the Wasteland

wasteland birds

Whoever’s doing the windows over at Wasteland on Melrose has truly gone above and beyond to inspire sheer Halloween creepiness as of late, and I have no choice but to applaud the enigmatic work 100%. The typically out-of-this-world- and-bonkers-on-airplane-glue windows were loaded with an additional dosage of creepiness when this flock of unblinking baby-headed birds flew in, perched and decided to stay for the season. Be sure to check the rest of the photos below if this breed of strange does it for you.

I’d love to be able to tell you who the artist is and if she’s for hire, but they’re apparently keeping that information tightly under wraps. After the manager was too busy to return my call, somebody on the sales floor eventually coughed up the fact that the same girl does the windows for all three of their stores: Melrose, Santa Monica and San Francisco, and if I wanted to get in touch he could pass my information on to the dead letter office down the street. She’s ours! You want an artist you go ask Jeeves!

Part of the display reminds me of some of Carlee Fernandez’ work, which can be truly mind-bending (and, to some, revolting).

7428 Melrose

Bonus photos
Creepy lady
Man a’fowl
The roost
A friendlier owl
Headless feast
Tiny wee
Teeny-tiniest of nightmary devils
Just plain strange