Deceased Record Shops Music Real Estate

Penny Lane Records, Westwood – A Rememberance

Penny LanePenny Lane Records of Westwood Village, R.I.P. You served the UCLA population admirably and will be missed, but truth be told, you hadn’t resembled your true self in years. Since moving from that traincar space on Gayley to a larger storefront on a less-trafficked east-west street, you hung on to retail life in an undignified coma, reduced to peddling porn rentals in a back room to maintain a pulse at the till. But before dwelling on the sad later years, let me look back to your glory days.

In the early 90’s, there were 3 record stores in Westwood Village for the student shopper: Tower Records, in a 3-story space on Westwood Blvd; The Wherehouse, first housed at the landmark Janss’ dome building (now Eurochow), then over at the space that is now Urban Outfitters; and finally, there you were, Penny Lane, in a plum spot on Gayley alongside Village institiutions Lamonica’s and Mongol’s. Out of this trio of options, it was easy for you to stand out as the student friendly alternative choice. After all, you had the novelty of a vinyl LP section and, more importantly, you bought and sold used CDs.

Your used bin became a favorite recycling depot for the local industry and new releases turned up early, often and discounted. Your used inventory was pared down to the essentials, an assortment not as vast as Aron’s, not as haphazard as Rhino’s–just the right size for a quick regular check in. Lazy Friday afternoons without classes were dawdled away there. We placed our meager offerings upon your alter of used CD buyback for the valued store credit. You usually rejected 90% of anything we brought in and shamefully we took back the rejects of our uncool high school tastes. In consolation, you regularly let us have some free promo posters to take back to the drab dorms.


Profile: Han Bat

sullontang, ahoy!Before you even ask: Yes, it’s Food Friday.

The Review:

Blah blah blah Han Bat sullongtang soup Jonathan Gold recommendation Korean version of Pho simmered with bones served without them and largely fat-free, Kim Deal Soccer Mom Kurt Cobain influence. Scallions. “A” rating!

You have one option when dining at Han Bat, and that option is sullongtang. If you don’t like sullongtang, don’t come here. If you don’t know what sullongtang is, I’ll tell you now and then you can decide whether or not you should come here. Ready?

It’s soup.

Sullongtang is basically a steamy milky-white broth with a few glass noodles and whatever you choose as your main ingredient. In your soup you can have brisket, beef flank, tongue, or an intestine/tripe/spleen combo. Or the final choice: All of the above. Why anyone would order anything but the “all of the above” combo is beyond me, but there are undoubtedly tongue purists out there.

The soup’s unsalted. You salt it and add some chile paste and soon the milky color goes away and then it basically looks like a bowl of ramen.

I love scallions. It’s true. Fortunately, Han Bat delivers them in spades. You get your own bowlful right there on the table, so after you slurp the first round off the top of the broth, you can load up again. And again. They must chop the things for weeks on end. Han Bat may quite literally have more scallions than you can shake a stick at [photo], provided you bring a stick into the establishment.

For what it’s worth, I can’t stop thinking about the taste of the broth. In a good way.

scallions, anyone?
More scallions with your beef spleen?

Han Bat
4163 W. Fifth

Dessert idea: Run across Western and grab a pancake from Koo’s Grill outside the California Market. Delish.


Profile: The Original Marty’s

home of the combo, unless it happens to be 3pm on SundayShack Time. The Original Marty’s. The three glowing reviewers over at Citysearch are my kind of people:

What users are saying
Romantic: yes

Couldn’t agree more. Hell yes a shack on the side of the street is romantic! If there’s romance in your life, everywhere is romantic. The fucking aluminum siding section of Home Depot is romantic.

damn i’m hungry where’s my dogBack to my review. I’ve seen people at this shack. It’s got the Vienna Beef signage ubiquitous on taverns in Chicago (usually paired with Old Style Beer signage, but this is after all a sidewalk shack and presumably alcohol-free).

I arrived promptly at 3pm on a Sunday. My weekend lunch hour. Nobody in sight. No cooks. No clients. No Vienna, No Beef. No Old Style Beer for damn sure. No hours of operation posted. One sole pigeon hanging out underneath a table in the back patio. Pigeons are a sign of a steady food supply. I stared at him. He stared at me. Neither of us were going to get anything to eat. I grabbed the pigeon, got in the car and headed east on Pico towards the boarded-up ruins of the once-majestic Mo’ Better Meatty Meat Burgers at the corner of Pico and Fairfax. I didn’t make it that far. Just past La Cienega something caught my eye, and like a dual Vienna Beef-Old Style sign in Chicago, it demanded immediate attention.

The sun beat down. I turned the car around and eased into the lot.

To Be Continued…

The Original Marty’s Home of the Combo

10558 W Pico Blvd