
Putting Edge: A Haiku/Senryū

Cold air, eighteen holes;
Refuge from white light of earth–
Hole in one, free game!
putting edge sign
putting edge shrooms Putting Edge
Promenade at Howard Hughes
6081 Center Drive
Los Angeles, CA
(310) 348-9770
Food Music

Cat Power; Pico Blvd.

So some notes on Cat Power at McCabe’s then. Figured we’d start the night on this neglected stetch of Pico that goes from about Bundy/10 Fwy to Cloverfield. On this strip you got Arsenal, Liquid Kitty (yeah, they both have issues–to be taken up at a later juncture), Mr. Cecil’s, that great rare (adult) bookstore, Unurban, Trader Joes (yay!), McCabe’s, Rae’s, Joker, Air Conditioned, Viking Motors (my Volvo mechanics, Ove and Rolando) and the Daily Pint. There’s bound to be a find in there, so we hit the mean streets of Santa Monica.

Rae’s (2901 Pico Blvd.)

Meet up at Rae’s (2901 Pico Blvd.) after work. Rae’s is a little cozily grimy diner–you got your googie signage out front, your booths and counter and walls that are alternately teal and wood paneled. It’s just dirty enough to feel homey, but not unsanitary. The cook in his paper cylinder hat is right up front behind the counter, so you can get a good look at your order coming together. (Note: you may not want a good look at your order coming together. Especially how they reheat the breakfast pork.) On a typical Sunday morning, the place is jumping with all manner of clientele–hung-over hipsters, Mexi-American families, gay entertainment biz underlings–all shoved in there, real Los Angeles-like, with a line at the door. (Note for newbs: they don’t do a “Johnson, party of 4” list like Denny’s or some shit. If you see a line, just get in it, don’t stroll past it and ask the hostess/waitress for a table.) This Thursday eve around 6:30 pm, the place takes on a bit of a Lynchian vibe, everything moving a just few frames slower, the action is fully under control by a lone waitress and cook.