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House of Christmas® David™s: A Two-Year Analysis

house of christmas davids ’07

There’s something in the air. ’Tis the magic season wee Angelenos, boys and girls alike, wait for all year. Finally the morning arrives. After a fitful sleep they rise extra early, fresh-faced and twinkly-eyed. They grab a cup of joe and a smoke, get strapped into their carseats and are unceremoniously hauled by mom and dad over to Hancock Park to stare in amazement at the House of Christmas® David™s.

Let us take a few moments to side-by-side the changes in the annual decorum, then…


The Daily Dump

Dear Daily News,

It’s not you. It’s me. But our relationship has to stop. I can’t have you showing up at my doorstep at four o’clock each morning. I told my fiancee our relationship was over, and she’s getting upset.

Daily NewsPlease don’t think I haven’t tried, Daily News. I did.

I remember the chilly day we met last year. A burly man with a name tag that read “Bud” called out to me. Daily News, he said, $24 for 12 months.

“And it comes with a $10 gift card,” said Bud. “So cheap, you don’t even have to read it.”

I remember laughing, Daily News. But then I felt bad that someone would sell you so short. You are clearly worth far more, and I wonder if that has affected your self-esteem.

I appreciated your local coverage and your jaunty red and blue masthead. I think your sports columnists are superior to those of the LA Times, and I like the fact that I can read you in 25 minutes, the time it takes for my Metrolink train to whisk me downtown.

But no more. We had three newspapers at the time: the LA Times, the NY Times and the Daily News. We were overwhelmed. Stacks of newsprint gathered in our home like an illustration in a Shel Silverstein poem.


UCLA’s Lorenzo Mata: In Pictures

’Zo Mata
The man-in-the-middle for the pre-game huddle.

Good form on holding the ball.  The release could use some work.
Good form on his free throw shooting up to this point. But everything after this freeze frame could use a little work.