Photo Op SXSW

Mando Diao Setlist, Cedar Street

mando diao setlist, sxsw


SXSW 2007: The Cops @ Longbranch Inn

cops @ sxsw!

cops @ sxsw!

Photo Op SXSW

Photo Op: The Todd P @ Ms. Bea’s Pool Policy

todd p @ ms beas

Food Music SXSW

Stay Focused on the Food


Yesterday the day began with Iggy Pop and ended with MSTRKRFT at ??? AM. My friends, now more than ever it is imperative that we stay focused on the food. Take this bowl of okra for example. To my knowledge I have only encountered okra in two forms. One is via gumbo and one is when they batter it up deep-fat-fry the everloving shit out of it and plaster it with ranch dressing. Heaven. I just had quadruple bypass writing it down.

Keep eyes peeled for Losanjealous’ SXSW Free Food Recap. Until then, there are a few scattered photos of Iggy And The Stooges, Rapture and the Polyphonic Spree after the jump. May you have the safest, drunkest St Pat’s ever.

Events Music SXSW

Losanjealous @ SXSW Music ’07: Where Are They Now?

Day Four :: Saturday
sxsw 2007: Saturday