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Developing: Repurposed “75” Atop El Coyote Not Nearly As Shitty-Looking As You Might Imagine

the coyote at 76


You Am I & Actionslacks @ Spaceland, 4/1/07



The Carina Round Conversations

Below are some of the conversations that may or may not have happened during the Carina Round show @ Hotel Cafe last Friday.

’Carina’Me: Have you guys heard of Carina Round?
Girl 1: No. Who is She?
Girl 2: Ha Ha! She’s who we’re here to see. Carina is the greatest! Like, so the greatest.
Me: How greatest is she?
Girl 2: Like, I want to be reborn as Carina Round.
Me: Wow! So, you’re excited to see her tonight?
Girl 2: Um, yeah.
Me: How long have you been listening to her music?
Girl 2: Um, for, at least a year.
Girl 1: Oh, wait, I know who she is. She’s on that CD I got from [redacted] like six months ago. Hey, that’s when you heard of her too.
Girl 2: Oh, yeah.

Me: So, how do you like the show so far?
Guy 1: Oh, she’s really doing a great job up there.
Me: How would you define ’great’?
Guy 1: Strong singing, great guitar, and she looks just fabulous.
Me: Do you have any qualms about a Brit singing on an American stage?
Guy 1: What? No, of course not.
Me: Do you have any concerns about terrorism? 15 British sailors were recently kidnapped by Iranian forces. Some are reporting chants of “Death to UK” all over Iran. Are you concerned about Iranian violence at the Hotel Café tonight?
Guy 1: I’m gonna get back to the show.