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On Blogging: A Note From Your Sister

antiblogNote from the Editor: Ryan has taken a blogger’s holiday leave of absence and has apparently asked his family to fill in the gaps until his (preferably delayed) return. Presenting: Ryan’s Sister.

I don’t blog. Fuck off. Why don’t you take a vacation right out of my ass. Bloggers and vacation bloggers can all go fuck themselves.


On Blogging: A Note From Your Mother

Note from the Editor: Ryan has taken a blogger’s holiday leave of absence and has apparently asked his family to fill in the gaps until his (preferably delayed) return. Presenting: Ryan’s Mom. [Aside: Is it the venue, or does she really drop the S-bomb like that all the time?!..]

DennehySo would a guest blog be a glob? Who ever heard of a vacation from blogging? Admittedly, I’ve been on
a blogging vacation since February – that’s when mine went live. The three posts it contains seem to be holding their own. Timeless in their importance perhaps. Certainly nothing there to leave the reader hanging by a thread waiting for the next installment.

I really didn’t think I’d want a blog until the son asked if I wanted to add one to my web page. (What would I do with a blog?) I’m not a writer – no need to write. I’m a photographer dammit – you know…all that “a picture is worth a thousand words shit.” Is it okay for a Mom to say shit in a blogging protest? Probably not. [Let it out. This is Losanjealous. -ed]