Photo Op Smoked Sunsets

Friday’s Smoked Sunset™


One final smokeset™ to welcome the week’s end. This week has done a number on a number of us, to be sure, but the ash flecks, smoke-tinged lungs and freaky-looking skies culminate in a gigantic full moon, rising on the “30,000 miles closer to Earth” side of the orbit this evening. Watch for it. Bonus smoked sunset – on Sunset, no less – after the jump.

Slide of the Week

Charles Phoenix’s Slide of the Week: Frankenstein, Pasadena, CA 1965


Frankenstein, Pasadena, CA 1965

Can you believe those beautiful honey blond closet doors? They have no doorknobs!

This slide was clearly marked ’Pasadena, 1965.’ OK fine. But what I want to know is where in Pasadena in 1965 do you find Goth shoes? They don’t have Goth shops in Pasadena in 1965. Finally I figured it out. Frankenstein had to go to one of those shops that you go to if you have one leg longer than the other!

Wishing you the best Trick-or-Treating EVER!!!!

Happy Halloween!

Visit Charles’ site or join his Slide of the Week Mailing List.


Photos: Múm @ The Orpheum Theatre, October 23, 2007









Booze Music

Your Boozing Contributions, Updated

’vino’The Official LOS ANGELES LIVE VENUE DRINKER’S PRICE GUIDE has been updated with your feedback as of 10/26/07. Take, use, continue to contribute. It’s getting considerably fleshed out but we’ve still got a lot of ground booze to cover consume. Here’s the guide.

Blake Craptastic Cell Phone Photos Digital Lo-Fi

From Blake’s Phone: Linoleum City, Fast Food Beverage Pairing, Ambiguous Switches, Huell The Mighty

Every week Blake and readers just like him send me grainy, blurry, sometimes horribly-framed yet always interesting photos of life in Los Angeles as seen through the lenses of their trusted telephones. Every week, never fail. Join us now, won’t you, as we take a look at the latest offerings…From Blake’s Phone.

Linoleum City rises like the phoenix. Behold:


Linoleum city arises again

Behind the jump: Blake uncovers a fast food beverage pairing chart of ludicrous proportion. Believe it. More phone-enabled digitally preserved moments and your submission instructions.