
No Age @ ShockHound Session, Troubadour, December 2, 2008



Previous Bi-Monthly No Age by Sung:
No Age at F Yeah Fest V, Echo Park, August 30, 2008

No Age at The Getty, June 27, 2008
No Age at the Central Library Mark Taper Auditorium, April 20, 2008
No Age at the El Rey Theater, February 22, 2008


Titus Andronicus, ShockHound Session, Troubadour, December 2, 2008

Titus Andronicus


Bulan: High Thai

bulan barbie!The other night my boyfriend and I were lounging around the house, getting high, trying to decide what to make for dinner when the desire for Thai food struck me to my very soul. Living close to Hollywood, there are probably about sixty-thousand Thai restaurants to chose from. But which one?! Being high and trying to decide on something like this can only be aided by one thing: I always turn to my trusty yelp whenever I want to read some reviews by people who take themselves way too seriously and get all huffy when their drinks aren’t thoroughly chilled or when the waitress that they’re drunkenly hitting on asks them to please leave.

After an hour of wading “this place is SO delicious and afterward my friend and I tag-teamed his girlfriend for the rest of the night and used our leftovers for clothing, SO HOT,” etc., we finally decided on a little place called Bulan. We didn’t really chose it because it had gotten such stellar reviews, but mostly because we were dying from hunger and it’s literally a block from our house.