Art Downtown Events Music

Notes Re: Lucent L’Amour 2009

Just before jetting off to Hawai’i (possibly never to be heard from again?), Losanjealous socialite/bon vivant contributor-at-large Glennie faxed in these rough column post-it notes, presumably regarding a recent evening at Lucent L’Amour 2009. We share them with you now: unpolished, unrefined, unbowdlerized. Enjoy.

Slide of the Week

Charles Phoenix’s Slide of the Week: Audie and Ehme on Valentines Day, Southern California, 1954

cp_2_16A young couple poses for their Valentines Day portrait in the garden.

Cupid’s arrow pierces the dahlia-lined home made heart hanging on the clothesline between them. A simple floral bouquet stands before them. The garden hose snakes behind their feet. Her hand is in his. He cracks half a smile. She barely smirks. Their dress for the occasion is simple but smart. His cement colored sport coat, thin blue tie and a white shirt tucked into smart black trouser is timeless. Her shapely linen tweed suit and strappy sandals stand the test of time. But her hat does not. It makes her look like a nurse. Her ears are pearled and her are lips painted.

This is one of the slides that I showed when I was a guest on Martha Stewart’s Valentines Day show last year. I couldn’t believe when Martha saw Audie and Ehme her comment was “She’s not very pretty!” I couldn’t believe it. I might’ve thought it but I would’ve never said it.

Speaking of Martha, when I got the call to be on her show the producer told me that it would be nice if I brought something to give to Martha on the air being that it was Valentines Day and all.