Events Things In Tents

The Cirque is in Town: Cirque du Soleil’s “Kooza” @ Santa Monica Pier (Review)



Cirque du Soleil’s “Kooza”
October 16th- November 29th at the Santa Monica Pier

After seeing a performance of Cirque du Soleil’s newest spectacular, “Kooza”, I have decided that if at all possible, everyone should see one Cirque show before they die. Cirque du Soleil has been revered since it’s inception for their crème de la crème performers, brilliant visuals, and otherworldly musical arrangements, and “Kooza” gives new Cirque audience members a taste of what everybody has been raving about.

“Kooza” is multi-sensory magical mystery mélange that tells the story of a childlike character who sets out to fly his kite and instead finds himself transported to a strange and exciting kingdom filled with high-wire balancing acts, beautiful contortionists, mad kings with even madder henchmen, and other troupers of daring-do. The kingdom unfolds with each act, and there’s no stopping the suspense, surprise, and splendor of the show from the moment the first act begins. If you’re not on your feet, clapping with more enthusiasm than you had previously thought you could muster by the end of this show, then there is no hope for you, my friend. “Kooza” is the adrenaline jolt every theater lover longs for, and is a must-see during their visit to LA.

All images courtesy Cirque du Soleil.

» Cirque du Soleil’s KOOZA (official site, tix, info & more)