Events Film

The Twilight Saga: New Moon Fans Camp Out Three Days in Advance for Los Angeles Premiere

Twilight Saga: New Moon

Three days in advance of Monday’s Los Angeles premiere screening of the highly anticipated, cumbersomely titled The Twilight Saga: New Moon at the Westwood Village Fox theater, a line of fans camping out in hopes of red carpet bleacher seats has begun. The obsessive, predominantly female fans, known as TwilightHeads, number about 100 as of press time, and have a line of full of folding chairs, sleeping bags, board games, Elmer’s glue, glitter, posterboards, battered books and laptops dotting Le Conte Avenue. The head of the line is anchored by some kind of Twilight sukkot, the ironic religious connotations of which, in this context, fairly appropriate given these fans’ fervor. While security is on hand, the many unintentionally homeless denizens of Westwood Village can be counted on to keep them company over the next three nights.