
It Doesn’t Matter if You’re Zack or White

Zack & WhiteZack over at Lost Angeles is asking for a little help.

He’s the creator of the beautifully-named “Zack and White”–an ice cream sandwich made with Canter’s Black and White cookies. It’s fucking brilliant.

As a B&W aficionado myself, I encourage people to order the “Zack” next time they’re hungover and inexplicably find themselves at Canter’s.

If enough people request the sandwich, Canter’s has promised Zack the holy foodie blog grail: a spot on their menu. Good luck, dude.

Instructional photo from Lost Angeles.


“The Grim Sleeper” Serial Killer Official Police Sketch (UPDATED)

Sketch We’re sure you’ve all already made your daily stop over at, your #1 Grim Sleeper resource on the Web, what with all the renewed interest in the case, but we just got turned onto it.

They have created a unique composite sketch of what the suspect may look like today, some 20 years after the released drawing of the suspect, assembled from 1988 witness accounts.

Whether or not this alternate rendering is actually helpful or merely obfuscates the search, remains to be seen. Perhaps the unflattering sketch is a shot at his vanity and he steps forward to show us all how well he has actually aged.

UPDATED 11/25: The updated sketch rendering has been taken down to avoid any potential confusion in the case. We’ll keep up the original for the time being. Keep an eye on for the latest on the case.

Serial killers are such a bummer, so let’s lighten the mood with this never-not-funny classic screenshot of KABC’s Mark Brown:

Mark Brown

(If you or someone you know photographed this widely-circulated classic Mark Brown TV screenshot, please write in, we’d like to hear the story behind it and give you proper credit.)


Trailer: Noah Baumbach’s Los Angeles-set Greenberg

Early look at Noah Baumbach’s Greenberg, starring Ben Stiller popping up online now. It marks a return to an L.A. backdrop for a film of his since 1995’s Kicking and Screaming, which was filmed on and around the Occidental campus.

In this LCD Soundsystem-soundtracked trailer, look out for scenes shot at local institutions Musso and Frank and S.K.’s Donuts. OK, maybe I’m stretching the definition “institution” just a bit on that second one.

Based on the log line, the film has potential to go either way:

Craptastic Cell Phone Photos Food Health Detriments Stacked High Photo Op

And Now, A Photograph of the Sugar Bowl at King’s Road Cafe (8361 Beverly)

Who Loves Ya Sugar!
This Has Been
A Photograph of the Sugar Bowl at King’s Road Cafe (8361 Beverly)

» Photo Op: Sitton’s Butter, NoHo


Peter Bjorn and John Close Out “Birthday Tour” @ Club Nokia, Love Their Jobs

Peter Bjorn & John 10 Years

I’m jealous of how much Peter Bjorn and John love their jobs. The Swedish band recently embarked on a short, 13-date US “Birthday Tour” to celebrate their 10-year anniversary of making contagious, sophisticated indie-poprok goodness. Even though things got off to a slow start Saturday night at the tour’s final stop at Club Nokia in LA, they didn’t stay that way for long.

Guitarist Peter Moren, bassist Bjorn Yttling, and drummer John Eriksson ably flailed about the stage, instruments in hand (including, at one point, drum stands), with the stamina and vigor of 16-year-olds in a Kiss cover band. Writer’s Block’s “Amsterdam” proved a bit of a weak opener, but PB&J quickly settled into the stage and pumped out an intensely spirited set of their career highlights. And, despite the aforementioned flailing, did it without missing a note.