Gift Ideas

Holiday Gift Ideas From The Losanjealous Inbox

It’s that time of the year! The following Holiday Gift Ideas have all been painstakingly submitted to the Losanjealous inbox by one group or another within the past 24 hours, and, naturally, as a result of being the benevolent sort we’re more than happy to pass them all along to you, at this time. May you find what you’re looking for, and may peace be upon you, either as a result of having found what you are looking for, or as a result of something entirely unrelated, either or, and may that peace then fill your inner being with a fine, lukewarm glow, or at the very least a dim, shaky flicker for the duration of the 2010 holiday season. On with the gift ideas. Let’s stuff those stockings!

1. Text Messages to and from Santa Claus.

Mailing letters to Santa at the North Pole? Hand-writing thank you notes for Christmas sweaters? Ancient history. Of the 840 13-17-year-olds polled, 72% say they’d rather text a wish list to Santa than mail him a letter (and they can do so, thanks to textPlus:


Photos: Grinderman @ Music Box, November 30, 2010


Grinderman |


Passion Pit w/ Mister Heavenly (Michael Cera/Man Man/Islands/Modest Mouse supergroup)–12/2 @ Fox Theater & 12/7 @ Palladium–Win Tickets