
First Fridays at the Natural History Museum, March 6, 2009: BLK JKS, Fool’s Gold, dublab, Thomas The T. Rex and Assorted Mammal Specimens

Full gallery and brief notes after the jump…

Something about the two particular acts booked at last evening’s edition of the Natural History Museum’s First Friday series seemed particularly suited to environment: African pop and benga beats filled the North American Mammal hall, leaking up the stairs and resonating in the far corners of the second story hallways, where wine drinkers tittered (and twittered) in clustered groups eying stuffed birds and wall maps.

Though they technically were playing the North American Mammal Hall, not the African Mammal Hall ’cross the way, nobody missed the joke when a member of South Africa’s BLK JKS quipped, “This pretty much feels like being back home!” between songs near the end of their set. Swapping lenses near the drummer immediately following, I bobbled and dropped my 50mm, watching in horror as it rolled a few feet and came to a stop. “Sucks!,” he sympathized. I had to concur, but neither of us were talking about the band’s set. (Happy ending: The lens was fine.)

Taking the stage next, the Los Angeles-based, 10-piece collective known as Fool’s Gold ran through a familiar collection of their dance-ready, African-suffused lengthy jams, and ended by reminding visitors they will be playing free every Monday this April, at the Echo.

» Fool’s Gold, BLK JKS Shake Up NHM This Friday
» SXSW ‘08: BLK JKS @ Fader Fort, March 15

» Myspace: Fool’s Gold | BLK JKS

By Ryan

Ryan is a freelance judge. Since the blog's inception Ryan has judged a popcorn eating competition, a battle of the shitty bands competition, a chili-cheese-fries eating competition, and an ugly building competition. Contact Ryan today for your judging needs.

Ryan's interview credits include Petra Haden, Trail of Dead, The Walkmen, Garth Trinidad, author Matt Maranian and Western Truck Exchange.