
Danzig @ Wiltern: Win Tickets to The House of Hell… Courtesy The House of Losanjealous

danzig wiltern

Angels fall to earth
World heats down
Now your heart is cold
Waiting on the summer
Of my soul

Devil-girl you must burn
Burn at the touch
Of autumn’s breath
Burn that heart of cold
Simmering in the Samhain
Of my soul

Admit it: You’ve had enough turkey and grandmas. You miss worshipping the Devil and you love the Misfits. You wish to see the Prince of Persia Darkness, but soon. Rest easy, Devil: It brings us evil joy to offer up yon burning sacrificial tickets to Wednesday’s Danzig stint at the Wiltern. All you have to do is correctly identify Danzig (by number) in the above collage and send your answer off to:

Update: Contest closed. Thanks for worshipping the devil with us. to be entered in the drawing. The show is Wednesday evening. Winners will be contacted Tuesday afternoon.

Bonus giveaway: If your name is drawn from the satanic hat, and you correctly identify all five of the above, find me at Wednesday’s show for a satanic round of drinks on Losanjealous.

Good luck!

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By Ryan

Ryan is a freelance judge. Since the blog's inception Ryan has judged a popcorn eating competition, a battle of the shitty bands competition, a chili-cheese-fries eating competition, and an ugly building competition. Contact Ryan today for your judging needs.

Ryan's interview credits include Petra Haden, Trail of Dead, The Walkmen, Garth Trinidad, author Matt Maranian and Western Truck Exchange.