Coachella Music

More Coachella Locks–Spoon, Vampire Weekend, Kings of Convenience?

Brit SpoonWith Spoon locking in a (East) Bay Area date for 4/13, it’s all but a given that they’re down for Coachella. Indeed, Coachella lineup authorities Consequence of Sound has bumped them over to the Confirmed column.

With Vampire Weekend scheduling a Fox Theater Pomona stop on 4/14, you can pretty much count that as a done deal for a Coachella set.

Less certain at this point, though looking doable, might be an appearance Kings of Convenience who have a tour of Japan finishing up on 4/7. It might make sense to swing across the Pacific for the desert 10 days later, but who knows.

Britt Daniel of Spoon photo by Karen from their 2007 Little Radio show.