Nothing To Write Home About

DEVELOPING: Losanjealous The Website Pretty Much Online, Serving Content, Up To Usual Pathetic Tricks

LOSANJEALOUS (Losanjealous) :: If you’ve experienced lags in the amount of time it takes to load this questionably informative website the last couple of days, rest assured you weren’t alone. Our top technicians got all the fuck up in this shit and, possibly, fixed something. Things should be back to normal now (relatively speaking). Refresh the homepage a few dozen times for good measure.

By Ryan

Ryan is a freelance judge. Since the blog's inception Ryan has judged a popcorn eating competition, a battle of the shitty bands competition, a chili-cheese-fries eating competition, and an ugly building competition. Contact Ryan today for your judging needs.

Ryan's interview credits include Petra Haden, Trail of Dead, The Walkmen, Garth Trinidad, author Matt Maranian and Western Truck Exchange.