
Joanna Newsom @ Disney Hall, 11/9/07: Win Tickets Now

’joannaMy friends, we are headed for another stellar performance downtown at Disney Hall — this time of the Joanna Newsom variety.


Hauntingly exquisite, the avant-folk harpist-singer-songwriter makes a very special appearance at Walt Disney Concert Hall accompanied by a 28-piece orchestra, featuring arrangements by Van Dyke Parks.

We have a pair of tickets with your name on them. I’ll draw a name from the hat at 4pm and notify the winner by 5pm today.

Important: For this concert, the promoters would like to mail a pair of hardcopy tickets to the winner; truly, an innovative alternative to the “put your name on a list and hope to hell you actually get in” standard operating procedure favored most venues and promoters. This innovation means that I will need:

Your Full Name*
Your Mailing Address*
The Name of the Last Good Book You Read**

**totally optional

No mailing address, no entry. We understand each other.

This contest is totally closed. Winner will be contacted shortly. You may continue to send me book recommendations [ HERE ] however. The choice is yours. HAPPY WEEKEND.

The terminally unlucky can probably wrangle tickets someplace other than this contest; however, at press time the box office looks to be sold out. Sold out! And we do so want you to go.

More about Joanna here.

By Ryan

Ryan is a freelance judge. Since the blog's inception Ryan has judged a popcorn eating competition, a battle of the shitty bands competition, a chili-cheese-fries eating competition, and an ugly building competition. Contact Ryan today for your judging needs.

Ryan's interview credits include Petra Haden, Trail of Dead, The Walkmen, Garth Trinidad, author Matt Maranian and Western Truck Exchange.