Heads Up Music

David Garza Returns to Largo, Rampantly Increases Austin-Los Angeles Hopping Frequency

’davidDavid Garza, a ridiculously prolific and talented singer-songwriter and one of my personal favorite troubadours from Texas, will be playing Largo every Wednesday this month, beginning tonight. Garza’s no stranger to the Wednesday routine at Largo or the travelling thing – word has it he once toured the west coast extensively via Amtrak just for kicks – but this month he’s ratcheted things up a notch: according to his myspace and official calendar, he’ll also be playing the Continental Club in Austin every Tuesday this month. Come again!?

Let this be the schedule against which all other acoustic singer-songwriters are judged, then: If you’re only playing one state per week, you’re just not there yet. If you’ve got a weekly residency in two cities 1,400 miles apart on back-to-back nights during the same month, you’re doing something right. One can only assume Garza was a truck driver in another life.

Choose your favorite Wednesday, head up Fairfax, check Garza for signs of fatigue and be sure to tell Flanagan hello while you’re there. The overly ambitious are also strongly urged to fly to Austin on the 15th, make for the Continental Club on South Congress, check out Toni Price’s locally legendary (UPDATE: and apparently now transplanted) “Hippie Hour” before Garza’s late show (Toni is a joy to witness in this venue), and then stick around to see the man on his home turf.

David Garza @ Largo Wed 1/9
David Garza @ Largo Wed 1/16
David Garza @ Largo Wed 1/23
David Garza @ Largo Wed 1/30

By Ryan

Ryan is a freelance judge. Since the blog's inception Ryan has judged a popcorn eating competition, a battle of the shitty bands competition, a chili-cheese-fries eating competition, and an ugly building competition. Contact Ryan today for your judging needs.

Ryan's interview credits include Petra Haden, Trail of Dead, The Walkmen, Garth Trinidad, author Matt Maranian and Western Truck Exchange.