
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah Ticket Pre-sale

CYHSY CDYour favorite band ever Clap Your Hands Say Yeah is playing the El Rey on 3/23. Say what you will (and you know you will) about the music, the buzz and whether or not the singer actually sings, these guys are commendably raging against the corporate music industry machine when they can. Firstly, the well-documented no record label thing. Then the “No Thanks” to The OC. And now comes a coordinated Ticketmaster-circumventing ticket pre-sale.* Then again, they have already performed on bombmaker General Electric’s TV propaganda arm, NBC, and will surely succumb to that corporate festival, Coachella. So I guess what I’m saying is that they’re sell outs, big fat fucking sell outs. $19 a ticket ain’t too bad a price though.

*UPDATE 1/16/2006/0930h: Pre-sale & regular TM tix sold out. Keep an eye on the El Rey site for possible the release of more tix. Thanks for the tips, B & Spike.

*UPDATE 1/18/2006: All tickets, all gone now. Thanks for the word, Oscar.

Be sure to check out Craigslist for tickets as we did when they came through town previously. Surely you can score a ticket with ass, grass or cash.