Events Music

Little Radio Summer Camp, Saturday June 14

Picnic dinners and an arty film at Hollywood Forever Cemetery, rekindling friendships with people who live in apartment buildings with pools, dusting off your terrycloth onesie–and the subsequent horrific realization that playing dodgeball one night a week has not, in fact, diminished the damage inflicted by all those late night bacon wrapped hot dogs–these are all sure signs that summer is here (yay!)


Well if you haven’t in summers past, it’s high time you added Little Radio Summer Camp to that list of reasons why you love summer. I was lucky enough to attend last weekend’s very first Summer Camp of the year, and if the backyard BBQ’s, sunburned shoulders and longing glances out my office window hadn’t already indicated to me that summer is here, LRSC would have done the trick.

Donning my teeny tiniest dress, jelly sandals, and “I’m getting too old for these” heart-shaped sunglasses, I excitedly made my way downtown to frolic in the sun, drink free drinks (included with admission) and check out a few awesome bands.

Crystal Antlers

First to play was Crystal Antlers and, my goodness, these guys rock.

Between sets I partook in the limited adult beverage offerings by pounding a can of Colt 45 (which I deemed gross) followed by a can of Chardonnay by Barokes Wine (which I deemed undrinkable) followed up with a return to Colt 45 which, admittedly, tasted better after the failed can-of-wine attempt.

Pool Party

Considering it was a beautiful, sunny day, and there were all sorts of good looking people cavorting in tiny clothes outside by the pool, plus the fact that I tend to be somewhat impatient and get distracted by shiny things, which leads to me wandering off, the fact that I stayed inside to watch Imaad Wasif with Two Part Beast’s entire set is a testament to how totally freaking awesome they are. If nothing else, Imaad’s skinny legs will mesmerize you.



DJ SoftTouch was on hand in the parking-lot-turned-water-park all afternoon, playing his eclectic yet accessible brand of soul.

Pity Party

The day ended with a lovely set from The Pity Party, who managed to be both adorable and awesome.

Next week No Age will be headlining, and their ever-increasing popularity is any indication, it will sell out quickly. Don’t forget to take a break between drinks to eat something, lest you end up like the two ladies I witnessed puking demurely later in the afternoon (note to self: stay away from the patch of astroturf to the right of the food stand.) Tangine was on hand with all sorts of yummy Middle Eastern sandwiches and snacks. I had a chicken sandwich with some sort of pesto spread for six bucks and it was delightful.

When I finally stumbled home at around 6 p.m., I was happily buzzed off three Colt 45’s and too much sun exposure (thanks, SPF 45!) Besides the fact that I had a freaking blast, got to hang out with a bunch of awesome people, watch fantastic bands, and soak up some sun, it’s also nice to know that the admission price goes to Little Radio’s Music Program at Roosevelt H.S. All-you-can-drink alcohol and charity: two signs that this is going to be quite an awesome summer.

Pool Party