LA Culture Music Photo Op

Jamie xx DJ set for Sonos Studio & KCRW, August 3, 2015

It’s not a gig that would do much diffuse any of the hater chatter on the subject of his credibility in some quarters (and more likely only fuel it all the more) but Jamie xx’s pleasing invite-only DJ set for KCRW at the cozy Sonos Studio this past Monday demonstrated succinctly why he’s succeeding popularly these days in a cutthroat electronic dance scene.

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Jamie xx |
Sonos Studio |

[More photos and words below. . .]


It’s not a gig that would do much diffuse any of the hater chatter on the subject of his credibility in some quarters (and more likely only fuel it all the more) but Jamie xx’s pleasing invite-only DJ set for KCRW at the cozy Sonos Studio this past Monday demonstrated succinctly why he’s succeeding popularly these days in a cutthroat electronic dance scene.  

To a comfortably underpacked room on a warm evening – decked out a bit incongruously with vintage rugs and furniture and a disco ball for the event – with stylish biz-type invitees – lasses in summer dress, bros persisting with undercuts, a few snapback headz – and with nary a word and little eye contact, Jamie xx worked out an hour-long all-vinyl mix at the unpartylike hour of 7:00 pm.  Some early evening daylight still glowing through the curtains shutting out La Brea Avenue,  Mr. xx blurred genres, house and garage, mostly (I think?), dropping in a classic Yazoo 12” and three of his own solo cuts along the way. 


A gaggle of ladies gathered up front, dancing from the get-go – it’s apparent that with his shy, humble air, sleek all-black threads, he’s fast moving into the league of the Zack Condons or James Blakes for tousle-haired indie crush magnets.   Building the tempo gently, heads bobbed to varying degrees down the long room back to the open bar (featuring LA’s own Golden Road [did not personally partake] and Double Cross vodka [smooth stuff; vying with Crystal Head for the least practical vodka bottle with his distinct rectangular plank]).  He knows this isn’t Boiler Room and delivers what people want to hear in this casual setting, then he’s off to catch a flight to Nashville.  

Following him, Jason Bentley, took over to close the night, shifting over to Pioneer CDJs for a tidy fun mix, a blend of his KCRW mornings and evenings styles, dancey pop chopped up with pure groove tracks, dropping in the odd cutesy cover (INXS revival, anyone?).  The Jamie xx set will air on KCRW at a later date; I’ll slip in a link later.


Photos: Erik Voak

Jamie xx |
Sonos Studio |